Jumat, 15 April 2011
"Friend" redirects here. For other uses, see Friend (disambiguation).
For other uses, see Friendship (disambiguation).
Friends at ease

Friendship is a form of interpersonal relationship generally considered to be closer than association, although there is a range of degrees of intimacy in both friendships and associations. Friendship and association can be thought of as spanning across the same continuum. The study of friendship is included in the fields of sociology, social psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and zoology. Various academic theories of friendship have been proposed, among which are social exchange theory, equity theory, relational dialectics, and attachment styles.

Value that is found in friendships is often the result of a friend demonstrating the following on a consistent basis:

* The tendency to desire what is best for the other
* Sympathy and empathy
* Honesty, perhaps in situations where it may be difficult for others to speak the truth, especially in terms of pointing out the perceived faults of one's counterpart
* Mutual understanding and compassion
* Trust in one another (able to express feelings - including in relation to the other's actions - without the fear of being judged); able to go to each other for emotional support
* Positive reciprocity - a relationship is based on equal give and take between the two parties.

Saya memang gini .. kalau kalian nggak suka sama saya ya, nggak usah berteman ..
I dont care about that guys ..
Ya, saya minta maaf kalo saya punya salah ke kalian ..
Buat si Mich , saya minta maaf kalo omongan saya sering bikin kamu sebel ..
Buat si Chippin , saya minta maaf kalo saya sering nggak peduliin kamu ..
Buat si Aisyah , saya minta maaf kalo sering ngerepoti / nyontek ke kamu ..
Buat si Revy , saya minta maaf kalo saya agak nyebelin buat kamu ..
Buat si Pii , saya minta maaf kalo saya kadang nggak ndengerin kamu ngomong ..
Buat si Yussy , saya minta maaf kalo sering bikin kamu sebel gara-gara Anas ..
Buat si Aning , saya minta maaf kalo sering pinjem modemmu ..
Buat si Firas , saya minta maaf kalo dulu saya pernah sms kasar ke kamu ..
Buat si Virza , saya minta maaf kalo sering bikin kamu sebel ..
Buat si Kunthi , saya minta maaf kalo sering bilang kamu perkasa ..

Sorry guys .. if i make you angry , Love ya Guys

Mata saya masih sulit untuk dibuka . Rasa sakit yang teramat sangat menyerang tubuh saya . Teriakan, Tangisan , hanya itu yang terdengar di telinga saya . Kaki saya seakan mati rasa . ... Mata saya mulai dapat terbuka yang saya lihat hanyalah langit yang gelap seakan langit sedang bersedih ,matahari seakan enggan untuk bersinar lagi .. Apa yang sedang terjadi sekarang ???? . Hanya ini yang dapat saya lakukan , memejamkan mata dan berharab saya mati sekarang . . .

Jumat, 08 April 2011
hari ini jam 11:45 mendekati jam pulang sekolah

Saya , Virzha , Piia , Aisyah , Mich . Awalnya hanya nyanyi-nyanyi biasa sambil guyon .. Terus nggak tau ada angin apa si Virzha cerita soal orang tua .. Ya, akhirnya semua ikutan cerita gituan juga .. Nggak ketinggalan si Mich , dia cerita tentang ayahnya yang masih sempet beliin dia Buku yang semahal itu di sela-sela kesibukannya. Ayahnya juga masih sempat mengucapkan 'Good Luck uasbn.e' di sela-sela kesibukannya. Saat itu pula mich meneteskan air matanya (jujur , pertama kalinya saya melihat mich nangis) . Selang beberapa detik hujan pun turun .. Ini menambah suasana menjadi seperti sinetron ..

Michiko 'Miera'

Kamis, 07 April 2011
When someone asks me where I’m going I tell em’ anywhere but here Wherever that may be I’m there I’m running from the things I’ve done I’ve done nothing that you ain’t done So why am I still on the run? The days are short the nights are long When you’re singing you’re last song

When someone asks me how I’m doing I tell em’ I’m doing just fine Force a smile justified I’m half confused but I’m alright Just like every person I’m inclined to opinions on your modern life Do you wonder why I don’t say mine? Cause you tell me I’m doing just fine And I know we’re all just fine

When someone asks me what I’m doing I tell em anything I want They’re baffled by my kiddish pun When there’s nothing left to do I sleep I like my rest, I love to dream I was taught to work and then to bleed Critisize my sloathful feet Cause I’m living out my dream

There’s this one boy who is amazing beyond compare. I think he’s truly the most genuine person alive. No I’m not talking about Justin Bieber, not that I’m hating. I am talking about Christofer Drew Ingle.


I know I am just one in a sea of girls who are head over heels for this kid but I will tell you why if your confused. 1st off he is super talented. I didn’t have a clue what this kid looked like when I first heard him because I just got high speed and was learning how to use myspace so I listened to this album with a girraffe on it everyday while I cleaned my house.

Well once I figured out how to get to his music profile why there was more music and I got to see the face of this amazing being!

Yes he is obviously gorgeous there is no denying. He has these eyes that seem like they change color in every picture, this adorable smile, and flippy hair. But even if he was bald, or was paralyzed it wouldn’t matter. I think maybe he tries to push people away as open as he is and he doesn’t realize it. I know I don’t know him but I just get the sense of that. Sometimes he dresses crazy, and changes his hair crazy to make a point that looks aren’t everything and sometimes anything but maybe he just doesn’t know its okay to let people think your pretty I don’t know maybe I’m wrong.

But he is just as beautiful if not more inside then out. ^^ Adorkable. He’s veggietarian and loves animals. He loves God, loves people, his fans, just about everyone. He has really changed me for the better and I will tell you why.

So Christofer just know that you can wear as many crazy hats as you want, shave your head, get dreadlocks, tattoo your entire body, not shower for a month and you are still the amazingly imperfect person I wish I knew.

You say that I'm messing with your head
All cause I was making out with your friend
Love hurts whether it's right or wrong
I can't stop cause I'm having too much fun

You're on your knees
Begging please
Stay with me
But honestly
I just need to be a little crazy

All my life I've been good,
But now
I'm thinking What The Hell
All I want is to mess around
And I don't really care about
If you love me
If you hate me
You can save me
Baby, baby
All my life I've been good
But now
What The Hell

So what if I go out on a million dates
You never call or listen to me anyway
I'd rather rage than sit around and wait all day
Don't get me wrong
I just need some time to play

You're on your knees
Begging please
Stay with me
But honestly
I just need to be a little crazy

All my life I've been good,
But now
I'm thinking What The Hell
All I want is to mess around

And I don't really care about
If you love me
If you hate me
You can save me
Baby, baby
All my life I've been good
But now
What The Hell

Lalalala la la
Whoa Whoa
Lalalala la la
Whoa Whoa

You say that I'm messing with your head
Boy, I like messing in your bed
Yeah, I am messing with your head when
I'm messing with you in bed

All my life I've been good,
But now
I'm thinking What The Hell
All I want is to mess around
And I don't really care about
All my life I've been good,
But now
I'm thinking What The Hell
All I want is to mess around
And I don't really care about
If you love me
If you hate me
You can save me
Baby, baby
All my life I've been good
But now
What The Hell


Rabu, 06 April 2011
In a sitch like this you've gotta think
And I don't think you think about the way he thinks
And I know you live life for yourself
But it all comes down to the way you help

And I know your life is such a hell
You wake up early and you work until
You have your drinks at 5 o'clock
The hours blend and your thoughts all haunt

Your hopes, your dreams, your everything
Well, momma I hope, I dream, that you won't leave

And I have a question!
What is love?
What is love?
Oh, oh oh oh-oh-oh
Is it giving up?
Well cause that's not how you raised me, yeah.

In a sitch like this you gotta think
And I don't think you think about the way
She thinks
And I know you work hard everyday
But it all comes down to the way you're

And I know you're oh so sorry dad
I truly believe that you're a better man
Than to share one kiss then give away
All the love you come home everyday

To your hopes, your dreams, your everything
Well daddy, I hope, I dream that she won't leave

And I have a question!
What is love?
What is love?
Oh, oh oh oh-oh-oh
Is it giving up?
Cause that's not how you raised me.
And what is love?
What is love?
Oh, oh oh oh-oh-oh

See, I don't know anymore;
I used to look up to that love.

Selasa, 05 April 2011
Ini ya, yang namanya senjata makan tuan .. Hadooh!!!!

Hari ini itu si Chippin ultah , lah maksud saya itu mau nyiram dia ! Kan selama ini kalo ada yang ultah dia ikutan .. Semuanya berjalan lancar .. tadi pagi saya mampir ke warung buat beli Tepung terigu setengah kilo .

Waktu di sekolah, seperti biasa saya duduk sama si chippin . Nggak ada hal yang special. Nah (ini-nih awal penderitaan saya) , saya dan yang lain (anak putri) mulai beraksi. Telor mendarat di kepalanya (betapa baunya dia) trus terigu melapisi kulitnya yang berbulu itu . Byurrr air membasahi tubuhnya ,.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA (BETAPABAHAGIANNYASAYA) . Maunya sih udahan terus si ASKI menaburi diriku dengan tepung (Padahal aku gak duwe masalah ambek kon Ki! delok.en ae pembalasanku ! Setan)
Wes, pasrah temenan aku iki .. awas kon rekkk !!!

Trus si Chippin dah ganti , saya dan Chippin pulang . (udahlah lanjutannya gak begitu penting) . Nah , Ini ni !! pulangnya naek angkot GA sampek terminal maunya sih di jemput papa di terminal .. eh orangnya gak dateng-dateng udah tau badan kayak giini masih lama njemputnya !!! GILA !!!!!! Trus aku duduk dibawah pohin deket pos satpam yang kosong . Masak setiap orang yang lewat ngeliatin !!! WAAAA!!! AKU KOYOK WONG GENDENG !!!! . Di mobil papaku ngomel terus !!! Benar-benar penderitaan ! !

Hohohoho.. hari ini Chippin (sahabat saya tercinta yang unyu-unyu yang sayang banget sama liba) Ulang tahun ... Happy birthday chippin , Semoga dirimu yang bolokokok itu diberi keberkahan agar dirimu tidak bolokokok lagi.. dan semoga dirimu selalu mendapatkan GA yang sepi .. :D ..

ini nih fbnya Chippin add ya :D

Cukup sekian dan terima kasih .. :D

He ! Kon GUSNA NAUFAL TARIS YANG PALING PINTERR !!! Jok sok talah , Dooh! Pegel aku ndelok Rai.mu !! Kon iku pinter tapi kelakuanmu koyok ngene ! Koyok arek 'AUTIS' ngerti.a kon opo iku AUTIS ???? Gak onopk bedane kon iku ambek IQRA ! Kalian adalah sejoli yang cocok ! Sepurane, gak katek nyensor ! Emosi aku !

Senin, 04 April 2011
Buat Virzha yang cantik dan unyu-unyu beudtzz :3 . Jangan nagis lagi ya, udah biarin aja .. Kalo kamu ada masalah kami (anak putri) dan terutama "HI 4" ada buat kamu zaa.. Kalo kamu dibawa ke ruang Guru dan disuruh teriak sekeras mungkin !! Kita ada buat bantu kamu ! Kalo ada yang bilang kalo kamu itu murid liar dan semua orang bilang gituu . buat itu jadi motivasi kamu ! kamu harus buktiin ke mereka , kalo KAMU BISA LEBIH BAIK DARI MEREKA !!! . Oke, satu lagi jangan buat tangan mu berdarah lagi !!

We always in Here For you zaa . !

Waktu itu pelajaran Matematika .. Hzzsshh -.-' (paling gak tak senengi iki) . Bapak guru terhormat yang paling saya sayangi dan paling saya cintai dan yang paling unyu-unyu :3 yang selalu membuat saya Ilfeel dan yang paling sering menasehati kita yang liar ini atau dapat dikatakan dengan para bajing yang karakternya buruk dan anak putri yang selalu rame!

Ternyata nilai UTS kami (makluk-makhluk aneh 7.3) itu amat sangatttt membuat kami stress .. Nilai tertinggu cuma 95 yang diraih oleh (Gusna naufal taris si nomer absen 12 yang kalo waktu ulang pelitnya MasyaAllah) . Bayangin yang paling pinter aja dapet segitu apalagi kami (Anak putri) sudah pasti dapat nilai yang membuat kami mau bunuh diri.

Tapi, untung saja guru saya yang tercinta itu dan yang bapaknya (atau kakek kami) ahli dalam pesawat MUSTANG itu memberikan Perbaikan (PERBAIKAN BUKAN REMIDI). Saya dan (anak putri) lainnya duduk di belakang . Saya mengerjakan semampu saya karena waktu itu seluruh bagian dari otak saya tidak berfungsi secara baik. Terus, bapak guru saya yang selalu membimbing saya dengan perhatian itu mengatakan kalau yang tidak masuk tidak dapat ikut Perbaikan (Oh.. malang sekali nasibmu Piia) . Dan saya hanya megatakan "Oh..Piia" .. Eh, lha kok bapak guru saya yang tercinta itu malah marahin saya . Tapi, ya sudahlah .. Yang penting 'lambe saya nggak Lecek dan saya nggak suka nggosip' .. Hohohoho :D

Satu pesan saya yang harus anda ingat terutama anak putri JANGAN MAKAN PISANG IJO , kalau mau tau kenapa ?? tanya saja pada (Danniar Reza Firdausy) --> pacarnya Virzha

Sudahlah.. kalu saya lanjutkan nanti malah gak selesai-selasai bisa-bisa baru selesai besok pagi ini #Lebbbaayyy . Oke, terima kasih . SALAM PISANG IJO \m/

Baby, I love you
I never want to let you go
The more I think about,
The more I want to let you know...
That everything you do,
Is super fuckin' cute
And I can't stand it

I've been searching for
A girl that's just like you
Cause I know
That your heart is true

Baby, I love you
I never want to let you go
The more I think about,
The more I want to let you know...
That everything you do,
Is super duper cute
And I can't stand it

Let's sell all our shit,
And run away
To sail the ocean blue
Then you'll know,
That my heart is true yeah

Baby, I love you
I never want to let you go
The more I think about,
The more I want to let you know...
That everything you do,
Is super duper cute
And I can't stand it

You, you got me where you want me
Cause I'll do anything to please you
Just to make it through...
Another year

You, I saw you across the room
And I knew that this was gonna
Blossom into something beautiful.
You're beautiful.

Baby, I love you
I never want to let you go
The more I think about,
The more I want to let you know...
That everything you do,
Is super duper cute
And I can't stand it

Baby, I love you
I never want to let you go
The more I think about,
The more I want to let you know...
That everything you do,
Is super duper cute
And I can't stand it

And I can't stand it
No I can't stand it.

About Me

Foto Saya
Fucking liar's blog
Only my god who can judge me not the peoples who don't really know who I am. thanks
Lihat profil lengkapku

Inspiration pic .

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